Thursday, October 25, 2007

it aint nothin' but a number, dog

for eleven months, i've been dreading turning 40. i'm not like them. i haven't done all the things i'm supposed to do by now. i don't feel 40. did my parents act this way when they were 40 (hell, did they act this way when they were 25)? 40 is the new...old!

but, over the last couple of weeks i've made my peace with it. angst has given way to relief; relief that i've made it this far, relief that i have my health (and my hair), relief that i haven't lost a parent, relief that i have a promising future, and relief that i'll only turn 40 once.


Natalie said...

I've come to believe that our parents probably felt the same way we feel right now -- much younger than our actual age. If you had children, I have no doubt that THEY would think you were old. And I think that's where our misconceptions come from ... believing that our parents were old when they really weren't.

As for your accomplishments, I think you've accomplished much more than many people your age have accomplished. Pat yourself on the back and be proud. You've done very well.

Happy early birthday. You're just starting the second half of your life. Make the most of it!

Unknown said...

Gawd you sound old.